23 novembre 2005

thanksgiving a day early

wow! i got a turkey...off reuse! now i can engage in all sorts of plotting during the car ride to new york...because what should i do with said turkey (on sunday, probably)? perhaps a better question might be what am i going to make to go with the turkey, although in all reality, i've never actually roasted a turkey myself. i've always wanted to see what a traditional turkey is like, with the stuffing inside the cavity and everything. ooh, and cranberries...this could go in a million ways. hmmm, and of course there will need to be pie. i wonder if there is anyone who doesn't like pie. it'll be nice to make some, because i haven't had a chance to make pie crusts in a while, and my finger is finally completely healed (if still a little sensitive). so pumpkin pie, and maybe miriam's chocolate walnut pie...and perhaps chocolate cream pie? the most satisfying thing about thanksgiving pies is eating them for breakfast the next day. as for vegetables, maybe i'll try the cauliflower gratin that i made from the bouchon cookbook, which, now that i think about it, must have a million wonderful things in it that i could make. obviously it's time for a good sit-down with my cookbooks.

am i the only one who daydreams about food like this?

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