25 janvier 2005

a visit from the mother-unit

my mother stopped by today, bringing supplies as well as various bits of her own cookery. while always welcome, the refrigerator is filled with little items bearing my intials all over it. among the supplies were: a head of lettuce, four pounds (yes, four pounds, not four sticks) of good butter, stuffed pork loin, broccoli quiche, some lunchmeat from the deli...i am well-cared for, and, it seems, unreasonably pampered here in the heated confines of my room.

she also brought me some butter cookies, made from a dough i made back during christmas (yes, it was frozen). they are surprisingly good : i generally do not like sugar cookies, but these are actually quite excellent. they're very crispy, which is something i seem to be unable to achieve; i have no idea how she got the cookies cut out and shaped normally, given the thinness of the dough. i'll have to try that one again. if you're looking for a good recipe, it's on epicurious - search for butter cookies and it's the second or third recipe that comes up (it's the one where you're supposed to make logs and cut off 1/8" thick rounds).

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